Troubleshooting your booking
Our bookings are made available through Eventbrite. Because every timeslot is a seperate event, it can be a bit tricky/annoying to scroll through until you find a slot that is available.
If you click on ‘filter by date’ a calandar pops up: ‘sold out’ days are in grey, dates with tickets available have an orange line underneath them (this can take a few seconds to update, so leave it for a moment)

Once you have selected a day by clicking on your desired date you will get this screen:

The circled area tell you how many tickets are available, you will not be able to book more than this number.
Select the number of tickets you want via the small arrow next to the drop down(indicated by the blue arrow). If no more numbers appear when you click the arrow, that means only one ticket is available.
You will get an email confirming your booking. Please note that the date and time of your visit will be in the pdf attached to the email and not the main body of the email. Please refer to the pdf if you need to check which slot you booked.
You may prefer to print the ticket(s) for your own reference but you do not need to bring them on your visit to show us as we have a list at the front desk of all bookings.
If you are still having trouble please email [email protected] and she can book a slot for you.
She will need: 1) name 2) telephone number 3) number of tickets you need, 4) A few options for timeslots that you would like to book