Behind the Scenes at Newton’s Place
- by charlottee
- in Museum
- posted June 21, 2020

Another two views behind the scenes for you all. A fascinating mystery that you might be able to help with and the chance to see a favourite from the old museum – the railway signals – coming down in readiness for their relocation to Newton’s Place.
First of all, the mysterious signatures of workmen from the past. When the Chancel ceiling was being restored we found the painted signature of the talented artist Vernon Benbow, dated 1881, which was very exciting. It is not possible to see this from the ground and we were only able to see it when we were at the very top of the scaffolding. The conservator then found further names etched into the wood, some dated 1876 and some dated 1951.
E. Allen Sept 7th 1876
A. Reed
M. Miller
W. A. Proud 1951
B. Rawlings, mason 1951
B. Sowerby, painter 1951
C. Beer, chippy
Next a peek at the much loved railway signals that used to provide lots of fun in the Railway Room at the old museum in Devon Square. Volunteers had quite a task dismantling such a hefty signal and all of the levers that go with it. Its all taken down now and is waiting to be installed in Newton’s Place – it should look fantastic being positioned next to the pulpit!! This time it is being configured so that the signals are in front of the levers, so that you can see the signals moving as you pull the levers. Lots of fun to be had when we are open. As you can see, the museum volunteers get involved in a wide range of activities and we are always looking for new people to join the friendly team, especially when we open the new museum. Get in touch if you are interested.